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Students wishing to apply should visit the Faculté des Sciences de la Vie website, where all pratical information concerning applications is supplied.






Course : Preparation of a genetically modified strain

Contact : Hubert Becker

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : h.becker@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 14 70

Knowledge to be acquired

Description and use of molecular methods for obtaining yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) expressing a protein labeled with a label used for research or its interactors for the visualization of its subcellular localization (either by transformation or by chromosomal integration plasmid). Description and use of molecular methods to verify the transcription of the gene for this protein labeled (mRNA purification, qRT-PCR …).

Competences to be acquired

Theoretical and practical methods to obtain and study a strain expressing a tagged protein allows the identification of its interactors and its subcellular localization. Theoretical and practical knowledge of transcriptomics.



Course : Genetics and genome dynamics

Contact : Jacky De Montigny

CNU : 65

Corps : Professor

E-mail : jacky.demontigny@gem.u-strasbg.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 20 23

Knowledge to be acquired

Genome dynamics :

Recombination, repair, transposition, chromosomal rearrangements. Induced changes of eukaryotic genomes: Techniques and transformation vectors and transfection, gene therapy concepts

Global analysis and evolution of eukaryotic genomes :

mainly based models organisms S. cerevisiae, Drosophila, C. elegans

- Selection system and analysis of mutants

- Global analysis of genomes: SNP, CNV …

- Collection of mutants and deletions of phenotypic analyzes

- Synthetic lethal and phenotypic analyzes

- Global analyzes of the transcriptome …

Fundamentals of quantitative genetics in eukaryotes:

based model organisms S. cerevisiae, A. thaliana, maize and human …

- Presentation of the main concepts

- Definition of quantitative phenotype

- Marker and molecular genotyping

- epistasis

- pleiotropy

- Linkage analysis (example S. cerevisiae)

- Study Association (example human, A. thaliana …)

Competences to be acquired

Mastery of the concepts of genetics and genomics now.

Understand the areas of current research in genetics and genomics and experimental approaches that led to the establishment and operation of concepts.Recherche documents regarding various aspects of genetics and genomics not necessarily being addressed and restitution in the form of a written report and oral.

On a practical level, the student will learn methods of molecular biology and genetics required to study a model eukaryotic organism such as yeast.



Course : Gene expression and protein biosynthesis

Contact : Hubert Becker

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : h.becker@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 14 70

Knowledge to be acquired

Gene expression

Transcription in prokaryotes. The prokaryotic RNA polymerase and the various stages of the transcript. Control of gene expression in bacteria and strategies for regulation of gene expression in phage lambda.

Transcription in eukaryotes. Chromatin and nucleosome. RNA polymerases. Promoter elements and the control gene expression. General factors, activators, repressors, coactivators and corepressors of transcription. Chromatin structure of transcribed regions. The chromatin remodeling. Histone modification, DNA methylation and gene expression.

Translation of genetic information

This lecture presents in detail the genetic code and the molecules involved in its decoding. Part of this course is devoted to different stages of maturation of coding and non-coding RNAs involved in protein translation. The different stages, initiation, elongation and termination of ribosomal translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are also set out in detail. Part of this course describes the features of protein synthesis in organelles, and a chapter is devoted to the inhibition of various stages of prokaryotic translation. Finally, the different mechanisms of regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation will be introduced.

Competences to be acquired

Understanding the mechanisms involved in gene expression and protein biosynthesis. Control approaches and techniques used to study these mechanisms.



 Course : Strategies Cell Research

Contact : Anne-Catherine Schmit

CNU : 66

Corps : Professor

E-mail : anne-catherine.schmit@ibmp-cnrs.unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 88 41 72 75

Knowledge to be acquired

Lectures illustrated with examples based on recent publications of major investigative strategies currently used in research laboratories. This concerns the characterization of spatiotemporal dynamics of actors in a biological process studied and the functional approaches of their activity by all integrated methods of investigation (biochemical, genetic, molecular and cell biology in vitro and in vivo).

Illustrated science topics: nucleo-cytoplasmic transport and intracellular trafficking, cell signaling, cell polarity and cell cycle.

Practical work (TP/TD): Based on study models such as plant cells and Drosophila, different experimental approaches (techniques for transient transfection and localization of proteins) are implemented to illustrate some strategies for characterizing biological mechanisms and channel control of cellular activity.

Competences to be acquired

Cognitive goals :

Acquire a scientific process, necessary for exploration of an issue of integrated biology.

Technical goals :

Learn practice techniques of cell biology, molecular biochemistry and advanced imaging, as used in research laboratories.

Methodologic goals :

Namely achieving a synthesis from bibliographic data and suggest experimental approaches in response to a scientific problem.





Course : Introduction to the scientific approach

Contact : Hubert Becker

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : h.becker@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 14 70

Knowledge to be acquired

The student will do an internship of five weeks (January-February) in a laboratory-backed specialty. During this workshop it will conduct a research project is part of the research theme of the reception team. This short term project, with simple experimental objectives, it will become familiar with the basic techniques of laboratory research. This course will be tutored by a teacher and researcher will materialize not writing an internship report and an oral presentation of project objectives and scientific achievements.

Competences to be acquired

The skills acquired by the student will be:

- Learning about the scientific method and design of a research project

- Learning Good Laboratory Practice

- Immersion in a research and learning teamwork (interactions with other team members, attending meetings of work …)

- Handling of instrumentation and living organisms

- Learning the practical organization, implementation and critical analysis of the results of an experiment.

- Drafting of a probation report and an oral presentation of project objectives and scientific achievements.

- Writing a CV, a cover letter and passage of a “job interview”


Course : Regulation of gene expression

Contact : Philippe Carbon

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : p.carbon@ibmc-cnrs.unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 88  41 70 64

Knowledge to be acquired

The regulatory mechanisms of gene transcription in bacteria and eukaryotes will be developed and deepened. Controlling the initiation and transcription elongation. Regulation in response to extracellular signals. Control chromatin structure and histone modification. Transcription regulation by noncoding RNAs.

The strategies used by prokaryotes to regulate the translation will be displayed. Regulation of prokaryotic translation performed by non-coding RNAs will be thorough.

Competences to be acquired

Understanding the mechanisms involved in controlling gene expression. Control approaches and techniques used to study these mechanisms. Objective and critical analysis of experimental results from the literature.


Course : Introduction to scientific communication in English restitution

Contact : Hubert Becker

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : h.becker@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 14 70

Caroline Calba

Corps : AGREGE

E-mail : caroline.calba@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 18 55

Knowledge to be acquired

Eude literature on a topic of current scientific related to the chosen route, proposed by the student. This will be dependent to document and find the bibliography illustrating the theme. The study is conducted under the guidance of a teacher researcher or a researcher and a reality by writing a report and an oral presentation in English to the entire promotion.

The preparation of the oral is tutored by an English teacher.

Competences to be acquired

The skills acquired by the student will:

- Introduction to research references on databases

- Reading and critical analysis of scientific results

- Synthesis of data from the literature

- Writing a report on a scientific topic

- Restitution for oral presentation in English of data from the literature

- Practice of English science through discussion, writing and oral presentation





Course : Preparation of S4 internship in molecular biology and integrated cell

Contact : Hubert Becker

CNU : 64

Corps : Professor

E-mail : h.becker@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 68 85 14 70

Knowledge to be acquired

This course aims to prepare the student for inclusion in the team meeting the child during her internship in the second half (M2S4). The student will be present in the host laboratory (30% of the half-face) for an introduction to the theme that he developed during his internship S4. They permeate the state of the art research and its theme will be learning the techniques, strategies and instruments used in scientific and experimental research project of its S4. This course will culminate in the development of a poster summarizing the project’s scientific objectives of S4 and the strategy adopted to achieve the objectives and an oral presentation before a jury and the entire promotion.

Competences to be acquired

The skills acquired by the student will:

- Designing a research project

- Learning Good Laboratory Practice

- Immersion in a research and learning teamwork (interactions with other team members, attending meetings of work …)

- Handling of instrumentation and living organisms

- Practical organization, implementation and critical analysis of the results of an experiment.

- Development of a poster and oral presentation to Congress of project objectives and scientific achievements.

- Writing a CV, a cover letter and passage of a “job interview”.


Course : Current Issues in Molecular and Cellular Biology

Contact : Jean-Luc Imler

CNU : 65

Corps : Professor

E-mail : jl.imler@ibmc-cnrs.unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 88 41 70 36

Knowledge to be acquired

The course consists of lectures, 2-3h Strasbourg by researchers working on different aspects of cell biology, or advanced techniques. Its contents will have to evolve to adapt to current events. It included lectures on the cytoskeleton (AC Schmit and J. Demey), cell adhesion and extracellular matrix (E. George-Labouesse, MC Rio, P. Simon-Assmann), receptors and signal transduction (JL Imler), cell physiology, developmental biology (S. Chan, A. Giangrande, M. Labouesse), and on techniques for targeted inactivation of genes (D. Metzger) and Global transcriptome analysis (P . Kastner).

Writing a paper on an aspect of current cell biology

Competences to be acquired

-Knowledge of major models of cell biology: plant genetic models (yeast, nematode, Drosophila), nervous system, immune system.

-Expertise techniques and methods of cell biology

-Critical analysis of scientific data

-Writing an executive summary


Course : Cell and tissue imaging

Contact : Nicolas Matt

CNU : 65

Corps : Assistant professor

E-mail : n.matt@unistra.fr

Phone : (00 33)3 88 41 70 89

Knowledge to be acquired

Know the basic techniques in imaging.

Know the main types of microscopy (photonics, electronics).

Knowledge of technical support offered by microscope platforms of Saarland.

Competences to be acquired

Know integrate imaging approaches in a research project.

Knowing how to implement microscopy techniques, classical and advanced to respond to a biological problem.

Make a figure and image analysis using a software ImageJ and Photoshop.

Know the limits of technology.


